What are you having for lunch?

What are you having for lunch? We're having sandwiches!

We are two active, healthy guys who work in an office and like to eat well. We don't like to eat out everyday - its not healthy, it takes too long, and it's too expensive. We like to shop once a week for what we need. We try to keep the cost per meal at around $5. We're typically limited to what we can buy at a local grocery. We take less than an hour for lunch. We're limited to resources and utensils found in our office break room.

Within these limitations we've been making gourmet sandwiches in our break room and getting lots of compliments. It's time to share with the world...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sliced Bread typically doesn't make the cut

I'm going to make a controversial statement that I'm going to regret someday... I can always delete this post later.

When a lot of people think about sandwiches, they think about meat and cheese on sliced bread. I would propose that you can typically make a better sandwich by using a roll, a loaf, or a baguette. When I say "Sliced Bread", I'm referring to what is available at the wall of bread at the grocery store. Sliced bread was introduced as a convenience, not necessarily as an improvement.

There are a number of sandwiches where you need sliced bread. Notably sandwiches where you toast the bread like a BLT Deluxe, a Classic Club, or a Tunafish salad. Also sandwiches which you grill the bread like a Grilled Cheese or some variation of The Elvis. I typically use a country style loaf for these.

I'm also going to add a huge exception for Rye bread - especially a nice Jewish Rye. Rye bread is a perfect match for hot pastrami.

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